Halstad Mutual Privacy Policy
Halstad Mutual Fire Insurance Company will collect only the personal information necessary to conduct our business. That means what is needed to provide competitive financial products (which includes insurance policies) and services to our members.
This township mutual will protect personal information obtained from our consumers and maintain strong security controls to ensure that information in our files and computer systems is protected against unauthorized access. We will ensure accuracy and integrity of communications and transactions and protect our consumer’s confidentiality.
Consumers will always have access to personal account information. You will always have the opportunity to review your personal information and make necessary changes to ensure that our records are complete and accurate.
This township mutual will only share information when absolutely necessary. We will only share information with companies with which we partner to offer additional products or services through a joint marketing effort or when required to do so by the government. For example, information may be disclosed to others, including our independent agents and brokers, to enable them to provide business services or functions for us. Such services may include helping us to evaluate requests for insurance or benefits, performing general administrative activities such as maintaining existing accounts, or to otherwise assist us in servicing or processing an insurance product or service requested or authorized by the consumer.
We will not disclose information about our customers to others without written consent unless the disclosure is necessary to conduct our business. By law, we are permitted to share information about our customers without written permission under certain circumstances and to certain person or organizations, such as:
- Our affiliated insurance companies.
- Your agent or broker.
- Parties who perform a business, professional or insurance function for our company, including our reinsurance companies.
- Independent claims adjusters, appraisers, investigators and attorneys who need the information to investigate, defend or settle a claim involving you.
- Businesses that help us with data processing or marketing.
- Other insurance companies, agents or consumer reporting agencies as reasonably necessary in connection with any application, policy or claim involving you.
- Insurance support organizations which are established to collect information for the purpose of detecting and preventing insurance crimes or fraudulent claims.
- Medical care institutions or medical professionals to verify coverage.
- Insurance regulatory agencies in conjunction with the regulation of our business.
- Law enforcement or other governmental authorities to protect our legal interests or in cases of suspected fraud or illegal activities.
- Authorized persons as ordered by a subpoena, warrant or other court order or as required by law.
- Lienholders, mortgagees, lessors or other persons shown on our records as having a legal or beneficial interest in your policy.
We will not share information without written permission except for items listed above. We will not, under any circumstances, sell member information to telemarketing firms.
H.M. 1890 7-01